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Section 1: The name of record for this organization shall be the Key Peninsula Cooperative Preschool, herein referred to as Key Peninsula Co-op, Co-op or School.




Section 1: The purpose of this organization shall be to provide a part time preschool program to the families of the Key Peninsula and surrounding areas. The School will provide to the parent members further education in the methods of Child guidance and development.


Section 2: In support of these goals Key Peninsula Cooperative Preschool shall maintain membership in the Parent Child Preschool Council coordinated by the Parent Child Preschool Organization (PCPO), herein referred to as the Council.




Section 1: The School shall not discriminate against students, prospective students or their parents or guardians on the basis of sex, race, religion, national origin or physical handicap.


Section 2: To be eligible for membership the child must meet the age requirements as defined in the program descriptions.


Section 3: The parents or guardians of an enrolled student shall be considered members of the School. Each family will have one (1) vote on all matters requiring a membership vote.


Section 4: The Executive Board reserves the right to ask withdrawal of any child who cannot adjust to the Preschool after a 30-day trial, or at any time there is a risk to the welfare of any child as a result of continued enrollment.


Section 5: Membership shall be restricted to families who are willing to provide or arrange for daily transportation for their own children.


Section 6: Prior to the first day of school, each family

A. Must complete or provide all documents needed to assure a safe environment for the children enrolled in the program.


B. Must provide to the School a completed Certificate of Immunization for each child, in accordance with Washington State Law.


C. Must provide the School with an Emergency Consent Form authorizing the School to obtain emergency care for a child should s/he require immediate medical assistance and contact with the child’s parent or guardian cannot be made.




Section 1: Upon enrollment in the School each new member shall fulfill the following requirements:


A. Attendance is mandatory at orientation and parent classroom training. Parents enrolling mid-year will be oriented and trained by their Classroom Representative.


B. Participate as a working teacher-assistance under the direction of the teacher.


C. To be responsible for assigned workdays in the classroom, or to arrange for a substitute in the event of an emergency or unavoidable absence. Substitutes should be repaid by working in the classroom in their place.


D. A parent may not bring any child who is not enrolled in the program into the

classroom on assigned workdays.


E. To serve as a member on one standing committee.


F. Serve at least once during the school year on a scheduled classroom clean-up.


Section 2: Failure to fulfill any responsibility enumerated in this article may be cause for the Executive Board to consider termination of membership and withdrawal of the student from the School.




Section 1: The Key Peninsula Cooperative Preschool is a not for profit organization with all funds remaining in the Treasury at the end of the school year. In the event of dissolution of the group, the remaining funds and equipment shall be donated to any non-profit, charitable educational or religious organization qualified as exempt under Section 501, (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.


Section 2: Key Peninsula Cooperative preschool is organized and shall be operated exclusively for educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501 A. (3) of the 1954 Internal Revenue Code. Consistent with requirements of the code, “the school shall not carry on any activities precluded by the Internal Revenue Code for an organization exempt from taxation under said section, nor shall it discriminate against members, prospective members, or their children on the basis of sex, race, religion, color, national origin, or physical handicap. This non-discriminatory policy includes, but is not limited to all facets of the school’s operation including its admission policy, its extracurricular activities, and any other similar activity. The school will not maintain separate facilities or partition existing facilities into separate sections on the basis of sex, race, religion, color, national origin or physical handicap.”


Section 3: Tuition rates for each class will be determined by the Executive Board. Every effort shall be made to inform the membership of any fee changes for the following year by or before the May parents meeting. Tuition is assessed annually and it may be paid in full, or in scheduled monthly installments.


Section 4: Tuition for each month shall be due and payable on the first and not later than the 10th day of the month prior to class for which tuition is due, regardless of the number of days attended. A fine will become automatically due and payable for tuition delinquent after the 10th of the month (See handbook for amount of fine). Failure to pay fees and fines within one month of due date will result in members account being reviewed by Executive board. Membership rights will be suspended on these accounts. Tuition payments two months past due shall be cause for dismissal from the school. (In the case of hardships, exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Executive Committee which consists of the President, Treasurer, the Vice President.). All decisions/conversations regarding finances will be held in the utmost confidentiality and respect for each individual involved.


Section 5: Two members, as appointed by the Executive Board, will be authorized to sign checks. Every effort will be made so that no two members from the same household will be the appointed members.


Section 6: Key Peninsula Cooperative Preschool will instill a NSF fee on all returned checks (see handbook for fee amount).



Section 1: Key Peninsula Cooperative Preschool has its own Scholarship fund authorized by the decision of the Executive Committee, to help members in emergency situations based on the following:


A. Scholarships shall be awarded regardless of race, color, national or ethnic origin, or handicapped condition.


B. Scholarships may be given to those families who have had undue stress placed upon the family’s budget due to job loss, medical expenses, low income, or other major expenses.


C. All scholarships shall be strictly confidential.


D. All scholarships shall be partial, Families must pay some portion.




Section 1: The Key Peninsula Cooperative Preschool will be in session during days and hours determined by the Executive Board, weather permitting, with the exception of Peninsula Public School.




Section 1: In case of accidents or serious illness, the parent or guardian shall be notified immediately following necessary action to minimize the potential harm to be caused by said event. In the event the parent or guardian cannot be reached, the sick or injured child shall be evaluated at the school by EMS personnel and taken to the most appropriate hospital to render needed care as determined by EMS personnel.


Section 2: Neither the Key Peninsula Cooperative Preschool, or any individual member within the group shall be liable for any injury, either during the session or in transit.


Section 3: The Key Peninsula Cooperative Preschool shall carry insurance to be reviewed yearly by the Executive Board.




Section 1: Pregnant mothers whose due date falls during the school year or within 6 weeks will be allowed six weeks of leave to be used at their discretion.


Section 2: A reasonable amount of time, to be determined by the Executive Board, shall be allowed for surgery, illness, accidents, etc.


Section 3: In the event a family has a major illness or emergency, the family may be excused from classroom obligations for up to 3 weeks. Tuition will still need to be paid in full for the missing days to hold the spot. If the illness/emergency exceeds 3 weeks, the child may be withdrawn and can re-enroll based on space availability. The Board may review on a case by case scenario.


Section 4: Requests to withdraw shall be made one (1) month in advance, in writing to the Membership Chairperson. Notice made less than one (1) month in advance will require the family to fulfill Tuition obligation for a period of one month past the date of withdrawal. Copies of the withdrawal notice will be forwarded to the President, Coordinator, Teacher, and Class Representatives so that an exit interview may be conducted.




Section 1: The Executive Board shall consist the number of positions outlined in the Standing Rules, Teachers, and Bates College Instructor. The Instructor and the Teachers will be non-voting members, serving in an advisory capacity only. The Executive Board shall have the following duties:


A. Appoint Chairpersons for Standing Committees.


B. Hold and attend monthly meetings and make reports of the meeting to the general membership. Executive Board meetings are open to the membership, but only Executive Board members have voting privileges.


C. Transact business as necessary.  


D. A vote of 50% +1 of the Board members is necessary to pass a motion on an act of rule. In the event that an email vote is necessary, it is required that a unanimous vote by all board members be reached for the vote to be valid. If a unanimous vote cannot be reached, one way or the other, then the vote goes back to a face to face discussion at the next board meeting. Email voting results must be documented in the next board meeting minutes.


E. Recommend additions and amendments to the Constitution and Standing Rules.


F. To hire qualified teacher(s) and to arrange a suitable substitute in the absence of the teacher(s).

G. The duties of each Officer shall be enumerated in the School’s Standing Rules and Operating Procedures.




Section 1: Any member in good standing may nominate themselves or any member may nominate another member for election to the Board. Election will be final so that results may be announced at the April Executive Board meeting.


Section 2: A vote by the simple majority of the quorum shall be considered binding. 


Section 3: Fifty-percent + 1 of the active membership shall constitute a quorum.


Section 4: Vacancies in Board positions following the general election will be filled by a majority vote of the Executive Board.




Section 1: A set of Standing Rules and Operating Procedures for each year shall be enacted by the Executive Board and shall be distributed to the membership before the end of the previous school year if possible, and no later than the first Parent Meeting of the fall.


Section 2: The teacher, or any member, may submit to the Executive Board proposed amendments to the Standing Rules. An affirmation vote of two- thirds of the Executive Board shall be required to amend the Standing Rules.




Section 1: The Teacher(s) shall be hired by the Executive Board and shall be offered a contract on a yearly basis.


Section 2: The salary of the Teacher(s) shall be decided by the Executive Board.


Section 3: Thirty days’ notice shall be required for termination of the Teacher’s contract by either party.




Section 1: The By-laws of the Key Peninsula Cooperative Preschool may be amended by a simple majority vote (quorum rules as in Article 11 to apply) of the entire Key Peninsula Co-op membership, acting on the recommendation of the Executive Board or the motion of any Member.



      Section 1: The School and its Members shall adhere to the State of Washington Risk Management Manual and Records as per PCPO.

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